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Bird Exclusion Tools and Techniques


While birds are amazing to look at and can bring comfort and cheer, a large number of them it making nests in your home or building can be a major distraction and a health concern. Birds in small numbers may only bother you occasionally with their chirping sounds and noise. However, it is an entirely different matter when your community is being invaded with birds. Pigeons are the best obvious example of birds that can be a deterrent to a community's life, followed by starlings, sparrows, and gulls. Bird droppings are acidic and cause considerable damage to structures and properties. An accumulated nesting material stuck in the drain or gutter may cause flooding to home or a business property. Such damages may occur if the birds are left unchecked. When you have had enough of the nuisance birds are causing your home or business, it is time to call in the experts and take measures to prevent further damages. You can visit website here for more great tips!


Take a look at some of the bird deterrent systems you may use.


1. Trip Wire. This is also referred to as the anti-roosting system and it is designed to prevent pigeons from perching on ledges  to avoid roosting. This method is building-friendly as in does not cause damage to the structure. It also lasts for a considerable amount of time and is also good for the environment. However, this is mostly designed for pigeons and can only be placed on ledges. Here's  a good read about bird exclusion, check it out!


2. Bird screens or bird nets. This technique was developed from a similar one created for an agricultural purpose, however, this has been tweaked so it can be adapted to buildings. Bird screens eliminate bird control issues by placing nets so that birds cannot get into recessed areas of a building like eaves, rooftops, and overhangs. This technique is great for large areas and is safe for the birds and the environment. However, it takes considerable time and effort to install and it can also get expensive.


3. Spikes or spires . Another physical barrier you can use is metal spires or spikes pointing upwards. It is generally used in ledges so that birds will not be able to roost, however, this is only good for bigger birds like pigeons. Smaller birds like starlings can still fit inside two spikes and use it as their nesting site.


4. If you do not want any physical barrier, you may opt for distress signal call systems. This is designed so that birds will hear danger when approaching your building. However, this may also disturb other people in your area and does not guarantee that the birds will not return to your place.

5. Bird repellent gel can be applied on windowsills and its sticky substance will repel the bird's feet from landing. This product is only good for a specific period of time as it can harden and cause damage to your structure.


There are many other tools and techniques you can utilize to repel birds from coming into your property. Just make sure that whatever methods you use must be properly applied or installed to make the most out of the product or tool.

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